Every year we take a small step to promote sustainability and help the planet. A step that – albeit small – constitutes a concrete and constant commitment.
Marina Brizzolari, Brizzolari marketing manager

Since 2016 Nastri Brizzolari has chosen to align itself with an ethical and environmental need also as regards the supply of electricity necessary for the life of the company, deciding to procure from ForGreen. Choosing Nastri Brizzolari therefore means not only having the guarantee of high quality products from the point of view of manufacturing and unsurpassed aesthetics, but also in terms of low environmental impact and protection of global energy resources.

Renewable energies
We have invested in renewable energy and, currently, thanks to the recent installation of photovoltaic panels, we have reduced emissions related to the production of 180,000 kg of CO2 / year, thus minimizing the environmental impact of our business.

For your gift boxes, choose an environmentally friendly ribbon
In 2021 we added an exclusive collection of ecofriendly ribbons to the catalog: a line of 100% cotton ribbons, for a more natural finish and one in recyclable fabric, made from 100% paper.

Sustainable packaging
Packaging plays a key role in presenting the products intended for sale in the best possible way. But at the same time it represents one of the main enemies in our planet’s battle for environmental sustainability because it becomes waste immediately after its use. At Brizzolari we have found a way to close the loop and reduce the negative environmental impact of packaging, creating packages that are easier to dispose of and recycle, while trying to integrate more and more recycled paper into our products.
Towards a circular economy
All polypropylene, PES and PET processing scraps are separated and sold to reel manufacturing companies, which we purchase to wind the tapes. In this way, part of the waste produced is put back into the production cycle, triggering a virtuous circle that is good for the environment.